
Continued prayers and flowing light to the waters of Iao. Honored to bless the Iao Water Treatment plant and offer prayers as it is built. Iao Is sacred us at Hawaiian Ceremonies. So we offered prayers and water. The four waters of Maui where gathered from Waikupu, Wailuku, Waiehu and Waihe’e. Water gourds each held one water before they where added together. Each gourd was held by one of those present. These waters where imparted with prayers by Kahu Alalani and the ground was blessed. Ho’oponopono was offered in humbleness and humility for the O’O ground breaking sticks to impart the prayers into the land to ask permission and give thanks before blessing. It was special ceremony with the mountains embracing us of Iao Valley. These waters will be drank by the people the 4 legged the 2 legged and many part of the Island and life within it. The waters will be shared with the parts of the Island itself to drink. Mahalo Ke Akua

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