Ciara and Joe Maui Wedding

I married Ciara and Joe on Maui. The wedding was oceanfront at the family property.  Then ancestors joined us so it made it that much more special.  Hawaiian Ceremonies coordinated the flowers, brides hair and make up and all the final touches. This heart felt Ancient Hawaiian Ceremony is our most sacred ceremony.  Congratulations to Joe and Ciara our extended family.



Earth Day

We gave an offering today from all of us to the Earth. Celebrating Earth day and weekend with the world. Blessings to all the two legged ones, four legged ones, the ones that swim, the ones that fly. We are all connected. Blessings come in all forms…..see them occur in your life. Bless Mother Earth Papa Honua and the foundation of earth.

Universal Love

Love is a powerful force in the universe that is shared with each human being, Those that are in love will cherish each moment in time and never count moments lost in love. We give love, feel love and create love from the deepest parts of our Hearts and open to all that will recieve it. Love is the binding relationship between the recognition of 2 Souls and provides us with a feeling of complete contentment and blissfulness. Ray of light

Live this day well

It is a new day of the Rosy dawn

life breathes and grows all around

I see God smiling at me in the face of every  blooming flowers

I feel his breath upon my face in the wind

The earth supports my every step in life.

How the water vibrates in the ocean from life.

How sacred the journey of life  truly is.

Each day a new day to expand and grow.

A new day is upon us

A day to grow and evolve a little more

This new day in itself is a blessing

Live this day well

For it will not come again.

He is Able

He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.  Hebrews 7:25

The prayer to say with this is:

God, Thank you for the change occurring in my life. Help me with your love to share with others my journey. Help me find those who need guidance, so I many share the many wonderful things you have done in my life and in me.

Be ready for whatever comes

E kakooia ko oukou mau puhaka, i aa hoi ko oukou maui kukui. – Be ready for whatever comes, dressed for action and with your lamps lit.

It is so important in life to learn and prepare. We must keep preparing. You never know when you will be called. We must be ready at all times. It will bring great peace to know you are prepared. You will be ready when you are called. Its all in Gods timing and in the Divine plan.

Nolaila, e noho makaukau hoi oukou, no ka mea, e hiki mai ana ke Keiki a ke kanaka, i ka hora e manao ole ia e oukou. -And you, too, must be ready because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you are not expecting him.

In breathing this in I remember how important it is to live this day. To live this day each day  fully and to show up in your life. Show up for yourself…..for your very destiny. How can you know who you are if you just wait and keep wondering. How can one know their path if one sits down and never walks. You have to walk. You have to keep going. You cannot expect it all to happen and just wait. You have to move the energy. You have to awaken the ground by your own steps through life. We are down here on earth to evolve. No matter what else happens in our world and in our lives. We all are down here to evolve.

I pray this moment as you are reading this that you feel the power in this eternal moment. This moment is all you have. This moment is all that is real. Even in this moment as you are reading these words, I from a distance am passing through your eternal now. The past is just dust. It hold no power unless your emotions and memories give it power. Everything you have done has brought you to this day. Live this day like its your last. dance your dance like nobody is watching. Believe what you will believe. No matter what Religion or beliefs you embody or believe the days are still the days. We all feel the same sun. The moon rays can touch all of us at night. The same stars are in the dome of po the imediate heavens. Even if they are in a different place because we are standing in a different place. We all walk on the same earth. We are all made of the same matter. We are more connected and related then most know. You and your life do make a difference for all of us.

Prepare, believe and then keep preparing. Because being ready in the now for whatever comes your way is what is important. Believe in miracles. Today can be a changing day in your life if you just believe. To walk the walk is the first step to being ready for whatever comes. So hold on to faith and love yourself enough to see how far you can go. Take a deep breath Kaloa kukahi was the moon last night.
Ama crab was everywhere. Plenty fish. Was a good day to do awa with New Year blessing and create on gourds. Pule (prayer) was sent out to the world. planting mai`a bananas are good, ko, `ohe, and hulu. Plants and trees with long leaves and some vines. The first night of Kaloa was sacred to Kanaloa.. smile and do what you know you need to do. Do what you are lead to do. Find your Spirit Feel your Spirit¦..and walk with your Spirit.