A Hawaiian Blessing on Maui. It’s an individual Experience. People, Babies, Families, Weddings, Honeymoon Blessings, Hawaiian Healing and Renewal.. We are greatful to share it all. Expecially through these Covid times. Touching to offer virtual Blessings now for Babies #Blessed hawaiianceremonies.com
Tag: Hawaiian Blessings
Breaking Ground
Maui Blessing and Photo shoot with Kahu Alalani

The only thing constant is change
Yesterday when renewing vows for a couple here on Maui, I stopped and just took some breaths. I gazed upon there baby girl I blessed a few months ago. She was growing so fast. It reminds me everything is growing and the only thing constant is change. Everything grows in its time or in Gods time. Nature has such rhythms and seasons. Its amazing birth and life. Hopefully each day we can give thanks for this day and live it well.